The next evolution in insurance fraud detection has arrived: Introducing ClaimsX Ultra Ultra

The Online Investigations You Rely On

Just better, faster, and less expensive

Get Started

Save Millions
(While Saving Millions)

Sophisticated insurers recognize that social media and other online sources offer a wealth of relevant insights to claim investigators, with the potential to save millions in loss each year. But manual online investigations are slow, costly, and often miss out on the content, context, and connections that uncover fraud.
Carpe Data’s Investigative Reports augment the efforts of your claims and investigation teams with AI-led & Human-verified automated investigations, improving outcomes faster than traditional methods while minimizing spend.

We call that a win-win.

Why We Win

In Every category, Investigative Reports
Win Against Competing Providers:


Turnaround Time

Identity Accuracy

Human Verified

Courtroom Ready

Online Social Content

Data Capture Length

Proprietary Data

Online Connections

Ongoing Monitoring

50% Discounted “No hits”

3 days
No extra fees


6 Months+


4-10 days (Expedited Turnaround for +$50)


60 days


10-20 days (Expedited Turnaround for +$100)


Extra Cost

Few Days

in the news

Top 10 Insurer reclaims 500k in fraud
losses from a single claim

Read the full story


Our Happy Customers

“ Allstate is always searching for better ways to leverage the power of data to improve our claim process… Carpe Data helps support Allstate’s ongoing efforts to seamlessly integrate data to help our people make the best, most accurate and timely decisions.”

Glenn Shapiro, President

Personal Property-Liability

“By integrating new data elements from Carpe Data into our insurance programs for small businesses, we can better understand the challenges faced by business owners and identify options to address their commercial insurance needs.”

Sharon Fernandez

President of Business Insurance

“Carpe Data is the latest addition to Zurich’s ongoing innovation programs focused on transforming the future of insurance…[Carpe Data] supports Zurich’s ongoing efforts to improve the claimant experience by expediting low-risk claims, and by providing new insights to help our people make informed, accurate, and timely decisions.”

Scott Clayton

Head of Claims Fraud, UK

“Carpe Data has been a great partner in helping us strengthen the claims handling process…ClaimsX helps [us] continue to meet our goals of increased efficiency, reduced potential fraud and improved customer experiences.”

Douglas L. Kratzer

Vice President, Claims


Buy What You Need, Not What You Don’t

Some Claims Require more Attention than Others.

Whether you’re looking for an overview of online content or a deeper look at a claimant’s online content, context, and connections, Investigative Reports can be tuned on a claim-by-claim basis, based on the level of detail you require.


Results in 3 Days or Less

Validated Insurance Relevant Alerts

Content Capture: DOL to Order Date

Human-in-the-loop Verification

Value Added Services

+ Propriety Carpe Enriched Data

+ Social Media “Friends” Lists

+ Continuous Monitoring

+ Related Parties Search

Need Help Managing Ballooning Injury Claims?

Learn more about Online Injury Reports

Purpose-built for insurance claims professionals:

Claim Managers

Finds new fraud in your open book

Eliminates manual online research (and the risks that come with it)

Verifies claim facts independently


Automates your online research and reduce average time per investigation

Eliminates risk of exposure to sensitive personal information


Courtroom-ready reports simplify litigation prep

Evidentiary chain of custody supports negotiations

Drastically reduces attorney-driven inflation