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Community Children’s Center Supported by Carpe Data

Several of Carpe Data’s employees have participated in a Leadership Santa Barbara County program, and our latest employee to do so is Ashley Fong, Project Lead. This year, the program adopted a project to renovate a new infant/toddler classroom at the Isla Vista Children Center. For those unfamiliar with Santa Barbara, Isla Vista is a small suburb where mainly undergraduate and graduate students of the University of California, Santa Barbara reside. The project required the cohort to provide structure and a plan of action to create the new infant/toddler space.

According to Isla Vista Youth Projects, Leadership Santa Barbara County established working committees, researched and secured items that adhered to building code, and provided the necessary labor to complete this project. In addition, the class secured funding for the renovation. As part of the cohort, Ashley helped raise the $16,000 necessary to complete the project, which will officially open on September 1, 2018, in time for the new academic year.

Carpe Data was the Advocacy Sponsor for the project, joining many other generous corporate and individual sponsors, including Cox Communications, Deckers Brands, and The Chamber of the Santa Barbara Region. Many Carpe Data employees are current UC Santa Barbara students, recent graduates, or alumni, and therefore Carpe Data was happy to support this project.

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